Location: Room 004, IMC, Warwick University, Coventry, CV4 7HP OR Join us online!
Speaker: Dr Connor McCarron, Senior Scientist, Coast and Oceans Group, HR Wallingford
As a marine-based Institute, it is important for us to understand what is going on both on and under the surface. As we seem to be hearing almost daily about the impacts of climate change and extreme weather effects on the environment, it’s important to hear from someone with an in-depth understanding of all these issues. HR Wallingford designs smart, resilient solutions across the natural and built environments by harnessing research, drawing on their collective expertise and unique capabilities in science, technology and engineering, and investing in knowledge and innovation to address future challenges and opportunities.
To register for the online lecture, select the booking button on the right.
If you’re considering attending the in-person lecture please contact Mr.P Burrows by email at [email protected] giving your name & any one accompanying you.
This is essential to assess viability and make arrangements.