25 Apr 2023

Engine as a Weapon X - Call For Papers

Abstracts of 250-500 words are now being accepted for the Engine as a Weapon International Symposium (EAAW X). The conference, organised by the Institute for Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), will take place on board the SS Great Britain, berthed in Bristol UK, on 28 and 29 November 2023.

The conference will look across the current geopolitical climate and its impact on the future of naval warfare. Building on the success of previous symposiums, it will explore the merging of combat and platform systems and how they may be used to defend against traditional and emerging threats.

Experts from across the globe will present papers and host panel discussions on the impact of utilising conventional and future technology against the background of a changing and increasingly challenging operating environment. It will review how global events, such as the current conflict in Ukraine and increased tension in the Pacific, have accelerated the innovative use of new technology in maritime conflict and what this means for future platform, propulsion, combat system and UXV design and integration.

Following an unprecedented increase in defence budgets across western governments, it will seek to understand which areas of investment deliver the greatest capability uplift.

Artificial intelligence and autonomy, meeting the power and thermal management requirements of emerging technologies and warship capability and maintainability are just some of the issues that will be examined across this two-day conference.

To submit an abstract for consideration you must have an EasyChair account. The deadline for the call for papers is Friday 12 May 2023. Successful authors will be notified by Monday 29 May 2023 and receipt of full technical papers is due by Friday 1 July 2023.

All papers will be reviewed based on technical quality, relevance and their potential for generating interest and discussion. Some papers may be included in IMarEST publications after the conference, subject to the author(s) permission.

Full details of how to submit a paper can be found on the conference webpage.