Council Members

Mr Christopher Goldsworthy

Mrs Carolyn Webb

Mrs Sue Arnold

Mrs Susan Foster

Ms Margaret Marchetti

Mr Yves De Leeneer

Professor Stephen de Mora

Mr Martin Shaw

Mr Philip Parvin

Mr Kevin Daffey

Mr Martin Murphy

Dr Nimi Abili

Dr Sajid Hussain

Admiral Franklin Joseph

Ms Roxanne Yi Ling Lek

Mr Philip Parvin

Miss Kelly Smith

Mr George Sotirelis

Mr Michael Watt

Mr Iain Anderson

Dr Anna Chaffey

Dr Valerio De Rossi

Mr Bradley Golden

Mr Sol Judah

Mr Sergey Karianskyi

Mr James Lambeth

Ms Jemma-Anne Lonsdale

Dr Bev Mackenzie

Miss Shangeetha Mahesan

Eng Lt Cdr Daniel Manning

Mr Stephen Morant

Mr Francis Mungo

Dr Malek Pourzanjani

Dr Kaushik ROY

Dr Parviz Sangin

Mr Nigel Smith

Mrs Rebecca Stanley

Mr Alex Tang

Mr Alexander Walster

Eur Ing Elisabeth Wilson

Council Committee Chairs

Branches Committee - Keith Hutchinson and Mike Watt

Council Executive Committee (CEC) - Phillip Parvin (Vice-Chair, Council)

Membership Committee - Gary Hindmarch

Professional Affairs & Education Committee - Ian Tuersley

Publications Supervisory Board - Oliver Simmonds

Technical Leadership Board - Jennifer Gomez Molina and Tim Kent