The presentation will provide insights on the available Rolls-Royce Solutions as well as the mtu history. The mtu Power to X concept will be presented. This concept supports the conversion of renewable energy to “X’, whilst “X” represents several options.  For example, into methane gas (Power-to-Gas), liquid methanol (Power-to-Liquid) or hydrogen (Power-to-Hydrogen). Alternative fuels and their potential applications to the maritime industry will be discussed. Lastly the developed methanol engines based on the mtu Series 4000 which are planned to be launched on the market from 2026 will be showcased. The energy density of methanol fuel is high compared to other sustainable fuels, and its liquid state provides a solution ships storage and bunkering challenges, whilst reducing complexity and rendering the investment costs for the methanol storage system more attractive.

Physical Lecture: University of Strathclyde Glasgow - Henry Dyer Building, 100 Montrose Street, HD1.13

Online attendance is also available.

CPD certificates will be made available after the lecture through - [email protected]

Kevin Daffey FIMarEST

Kevin Daffey FIMarEST

VP Governmental Engineering, Rolls-Royce Solutions

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