18 Sep 2023
by Dr. Lorenzo Casarosa

Navigating global waters - IMarEST's international representation

Lorenzo Casarosa, IMarEST Policy and Professional Engagement Manager, explains how the IMarEST navigates global waters through its international representation. 

In the vast expanse of the world's oceans, where challenges are as diverse as the marine life they encompass, the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science, and Technology (IMarEST) is proud of its international representation. With a mission to connect marine professionals across the globe, our engagement with international organisations like the International Maritime Organization (IMO) underscores our commitment to driving positive change in the marine industry and beyond. 

The IMO: a crucial global stakeholder 

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) plays the most crucial and pivotal role in setting standards and regulations for the safety, security, and environmental performance of international shipping. As the maritime industry navigates the complexities of sustainability and innovation, the engagement of our members within the IMO has proven to be a significant and positive contribution. 

Our international representation extends beyond our active involvement with the IMO. Serving as a bridge between the marine industry's diverse professionals and regulatory bodies, we provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, experiences, and expertise. By uniting marine experts from around the world through our Special Interest Groups (SIGs), we facilitate dialogue that influences the development of regulations and policies that impact the entire industry. 

Fostering Sustainable Practices 

One of the primary areas where our collaboration with the IMO has a profound impact is in driving safe and sustainable practices within the maritime sector. As the world's focus on environmental conservation intensifies, the maritime industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint, mitigate pollution, and adopt cleaner solutions and technologies. Our engagement with the key stakeholders ensures that the voice of global marine professionals is heard when shaping regulations that promote new and innovative practices and technologies. 

Advancing Technological Innovation 

The maritime industry thrives on technological advancements that enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Our international representation plays a crucial role in advocating for the adoption of innovative, safe and sustainable technologies. By sharing insights and research findings from its members, we contribute to the development of regulations that encourage the integration of cutting-edge solutions. 

Facilitating Knowledge Exchange 

Our engagement with the IMO extends beyond regulatory influence. The institute serves as a conduit for the exchange of knowledge and expertise. We host and join workshops, conferences, and seminars, fostering a global community of professionals who collaboratively address the marine industry's challenges and opportunities. This knowledge-sharing culture not only elevates the industry's collective knowledge but also pushes the envelope of the development of solutions that have a positive impact on the marine environment and industries worldwide. 

Our international representation extends to advocating for policies that have far-reaching benefits for the global marine ecosystem and community. By leveraging the collective expertise of our members, we contribute to policy discussions that encompass issues such as maritime safety, security, incident prevention, and disaster response. This collaborative approach ensures that the marine and maritime industries’ collective knowledge and expertise is harnessed to shape policies that are effective and future-ready. 

An Informed Vision for the Future 

Our international engagements underscore our, and our members’, commitment to nurturing a sustainable and thriving marine sector on a global scale. As the world faces unprecedented challenges, from climate change to technological disruptions, our approach highlights the power of international collaboration between knowledgeable, experienced, and passionate professionals. By bringing together professionals from diverse backgrounds, experiences and cultures, we aim to ensure that the marine industry's future is shaped by a shared vision; balancing progress and sustainability. 

Become part of all this 

If you are as passionate about your sector as we are, join us and be part of the future.  

We look forward to navigating global waters with your valuable contribution!